Holstein Dissertation Fellowship
The Holstein Dissertation Fellowship is a competitive, annual, non-stipendiary program that brings together a small cohort of doctoral candidates working in the areas of queer and/or trans studies in religion for networking, writing support, and mentoring at UC Riverside in Southern California. Fellows travel as a group to UCR on three separate weekends during the academic year; the fellowship pays all expenses for transportation, accommodations, and meals during each trip. Typical cohorts are between four and six Fellows, depending on available funding. Applications are typically due in May for the coming academic year. The bios of past and current Fellows and Mentors can be found by clicking on the links to the right.
The Holstein Dissertation Fellowship is funded by the Holstein Family and Community Chair in Religious Studies at UCR, created through the generosity of Robert and Loretta Holstein and their family and friends.
The call for proposals is typically issued around mid-May. For questions regarding the program or the application process, please contact Melissa M. Wilcox at melissa.wilcox@ucr.edu.